JBA Round-Up
At the start of this year, The Inner Temple’s Junior Bar Association introduced its new committee and started to plan an exciting schedule of events for more junior members of the Bar to help them grow their networks and support them in the first seven years of their careers.
In March, the new committee held its first event: ‘Surviving on your feet’. This was a panel event aimed at first and second sixers to provide them with essential tips for their first few weeks in court. The event was well-attended, both in-person and online, and the panellists gave invaluable advice spanning several different practice areas.

In June, the JBA hosted its ‘Summer Soirée’ on the beautiful terrace at The Inner Temple. This event was a sellout and brought together lots of junior barristers who bonded over drinks and nibbles in the sunshine. It was great to see such a strong turnout and we hope to host many more successful social events in the future.

In July, we held the ‘Pathways after Pupillage’ event to showcase both the alternative options to tenancy post-pupillage and other opportunities to complement one’s practice. The panel demonstrated a number of different success stories at the Bar, from completing third sixes, to pursuing careers at the employed Bar, to doing a secondment or placement abroad. Through events such as these, the JBA hopes to help junior barristers find their feet in this challenging and exciting career and support them along their journey.
The panel demonstrated a number of different success stories at the Bar, from completing third sixes, to pursuing careers at the employed Bar, to doing a secondment or placement abroad.
So, what’s next? On Tuesday 8 October 2024, we will be hosting our first networking event aimed at creating a sustainable career at the Bar. This will give junior barristers the chance to speak to other members of the Bar and other relevant professions on topics such as financial planning, taking a career break, maternity leave, advice on moving chambers, building relationships with clerks, and maintaining wellbeing.

On Friday 25 October, the beloved JBA Halloween Quiz returns! It is always an enjoyable night and I invite you all to curate your best brainy (and scary) team for the evening. Individual and group tickets are available for what promises to be a fun-filled evening on Friday 25 October.
Last but not least, we are delighted to present the inaugural JBA Annual Dinner which will be held on Friday 8 November 2024. The event is open to pupils and barristers of up to seven years’ practice and their guests. It will be the perfect opportunity to mix and mingle with other junior barristers over a delicious three-course meal and drinks.
Tickets for all three of our upcoming events are available now on The Inner Temple website through the Members Area.
If you would like to get involved with the JBA or have any ideas for future events, please let us know. You can email us at jba@innertemplesocieties.org and you can follow us across all social media platforms by searching Inner Temple Junior Bar Association.
Nancy Kelehar
President of the Junior Bar Association